Hi everyone!
This was/is a hard year for everyone, but we still continue...
Am not from USA, but I understand the Thanksgiving, and I give thank for having you, who support and follow my work, you make bearable this year and make me be better...
is just a little detail, but this is for all of you.
PS: In case you ask about a "Black Friday" sale, just comeback next week, I will have somenthing.... "CrAzY" for you
This is a Fictional image.
- Please respect my work, as you wish I respect yours -
Style: Cel Anime (M)
Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!
-COMMISSIONS: desingahv.deviantart.com/art/A… - -KO-FI: Ko-fi.com/desingahv -
-PATREON:www.patreon.com/DesingAHV -
Do NOT use or repost this pic without a expressed writen permission of the author or the owner.This is a Fictional image.